Clinics and Services




Minor Surgery

We have a well equipped treatment room and the Doctors are trained to perform a variety of minor surgical procedures under local anaesthetic. If the GP recommends a minor surgical procedure, the receptionist will organise a joint appointment for you to see the Doctor and Nurse.


Chronic Disease Management Clinics

Patients who have a chronic disease, such as diabetes, asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and cardiovascular conditions will be invited to attend the nurse-led Chronic Disease Management clinic for annual monitoring, review of their medication and health promotion advice. Diabetic and some other patients who have these conditions will require a blood test two weeks prior to their annual review. Arrangements can be made to visit housebound patients.


Maternity Care

Our surgery has a policy of shared maternity care, the majority of which is undertaken by the Community Midwife. She sees patients by appointment at the Surgery and also runs antenatal classes throughout pregnancy. The midwife, Doctors and Practice Nurse can also provide pre-pregnancy counselling.


Child Health Surveillance

The Doctors work closely with the Health Visitors; mothers are offered a post-natal review at 8 weeks and children are called for health and development reviews with the GP at 2 calendar months old. We provide a full immunisation service for children in line with the Department of Health’s recommendations. Appointments will be offered to see the Practice Nurse when immunisations are due.


Family Planning

The practice provides a full range of family planning care; we have an array of leaflets for your perusal. Emergency contraception is also available from the Doctor.


Influenza and Pneumonia Immunisations

Immunisation against flu is recommended by your GP if you are over 65 years of age, and for patients who are carers or at risk because of COPD, Diabetes, Heart Disease, Kidney Disease, or anyone who is immuno-suppressed. Flu injections start in September each year.

Pneumococcal vaccination is recommended as a once only injection for anyone over the age of 65 and those in the at risk groups above.


Health Promotion & Well Person Clinics

The Practice Nurse is available, upon request, to give you advice about a healthier lifestyle e.g. diet, exercise, smoking and alcohol. She can also check your blood pressure, weight and perform further tests if required. We encourage all women aged between 25 and 65 to have regular smears and women between the ages of 50 and 64 to have a 3 yearly mammogram in line with DOH recommendations.

Local Sources of Cancer Support

You can find up to date information on what local cancer support is offered locally on this link