Our Appointment System




Book an appointment

Same day appointments are available throughout our opening hours, Monday to Friday, 8:30 - 18:00book appointment with GP

Consultations are by appointment only, which can be made by:

Routine appointments are booked at 10 minute intervals.

If you have several issues to discuss with your GP or if you would like to discuss a complex issue, you may prefer to book a ‘double appointment’ of 20 minutes duration. Please advise the receptionists at the time of booking your appointment if you would like a double appointmen


Children & Emergency Appointments

The reception staff will always try to fit children under the age of 10 into an emergency appointment.

If you have an urgent medical need and all the appointments are taken, the reception staff will ask for your details and pass them onto the Duty Doctor for triaging. The Doctor will then telephone you and provide advice or offer you an appointment


Cancel appointments you don't need